Saturday, July 22, 2023

 Day 18 July 22, 2023

Up after 7AM after a good nights sleep. After breakfast at the motel we headed out and hit construction in the pass. We went thru Fort MacLeod and stopped in Nanton and met up with Angela Wooley, so had to stop to visit for a few minutes. Stopped in Lacombe for KFC & fuel, then in Clive for milk, oranges & eggs. Home jusy after 3PM.  We put on 6106 KM (3795Miles). Had temperatures a way too hot for our blood. LOL. No pictures today as it was a travel day.

Friday, July 21, 2023

 Day 17 July 21, 2023

We got up just after 6AM, packed up and stopped for breakfast at Weeds before gasing up and heading for HWY 97 north.  Went thru Republic and crossed the border at Grande Forks BC.  Had some road construction along the way.  We went 800 KM (500 miles) We managed to get the last room in Blairmore at what used to be the Highwood, but now is a Travel Lodge so the price more than doubled.  Had some supper then brought our bags in and we are ready for a long night..  Both of us are suffering from numb bum. LOL Travel day so no pictures. Temperatures were 100F in Creston. 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

 Day 16 July 20, 2023

Started the off by 16 of us going to the Jasmin Restaurant for breakfast.  Then Gerry & I went to the Museum for a good three hours before going to the grounds for visiting, the International meeting and then the banquet. Said our goodbyes till next year and headed back to motel to pack up.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

 Day 15 July 19, 2023

This morning we rode to breakfast which is 4 doors down the block so we did not put our helmets on.  So out of the entrance way we go to see that nobody is coming in any direction,  Get 4 doors down the block, pull into parking lot and as we were getting off the bike, guess who pulls in?  Yes the law. Gave us a talking to and they also had breakfast there as well. After breakfast we went to the grounds to get signed up for the poker run.  Our group had 7 bikes & a van.  We put on about 60 miles thru lots of curves, hills, etc.  Back to grounds to visit with friends till we had a Mexican food put on by Randy & Lynn.  Back to room just after supper. We also stopped at a candy factory and saw some river otters playing in the river.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

 Day 14 June 18, 2023

Up early and walked to Weed's for breakfast where we met up with Don, Sam & Zack from Oregon. Then we headed to the camp grounds to met up with these guys again and we led them to the candy factory for a tour.  Afterwards we headed for Leavenworth and found no place to park that was under $3.50 per hour so we all headed back to the camp ground to visit.  Back to motel about 3 PM for our sandwich then back to grounds for the ice cream social and the 50/50 draw.  I won $40.00. We visited at the grounds till just after 8 PM then back to motel for the night.

Monday, July 17, 2023

 Day 13, July 17, 2023

Up at 7 AM today and walked one block to Weed's Restaurant for breakfast. Gord & Jan met us and drove us back to get the bike then we followed them to the car wash in Winnatche. They do not believe in hot water at the car wash, so no matter how much you spend (14.00) the bike is still not clean looking.

Took the door prizes to the grounds after we had our main meal at the 59'er. Awesome service and great food. Also toured the Antique store.  If there was anything that you wanted, they would have it. The pictures are from the toy section.

Visited with a lot of old friends that we have not seen in three years.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

 Dasy 12 July 16, 2023

Up at a reasonable time. Packed up & headed for McD's for breakfast before heading north. Ran into a couple of the Idaho members at a fuel stop.  Today the roads were up & down on so many passes we lost count. Could see MT Rainier & MT Stewart on our travels. All the highways were very good.  Will dread getting back to Alberta's horrible roads. It was a travel day with temperatures as high as 102F. No pictures today. Did laundry and Gord & Jan stopped in for a visit at the laundromat. They live here in Cashmere.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

 Day 11 July 15 2023.

Up fairly early today. Breakfast at McD's as usual. Then we headed NW to the Crater of the Moons. Uglliest land scape we have ever seen. Then headed for Boise.  Was able to bi-pass on I84 and that took us to Baker City Oregon to our motel 8.  Later we went to the DQ for supper. We are getting sick of fast food but just there are not any good restaurants to be had now a days.  At least we know what we are getting with the fast food and not pigging out.  LOL We started the day at 58F and encountered 102F north of Boise.

Friday, July 14, 2023

 Day 10 July 14, 2023

Up early, showered & packed & ready to hit the road. After a gas stop & McD's for breakfast we headed west towards Idaho. We went over the Tetons and into Jackson. At one of the gas stops we had a sandwich & cookie and then proceeded to Idaho Falls. Got checked in.  Was 88F today. Went to see the falls before a Wendy's supper, a car wash and then back to the room. The only game we saw was at the Information Center in Jackson. We road the Snake River canyon.